Image by Smithsonian Institution via Flickr
To the readers of Franklin County News Today —
We are excited to present you with some new changes to the ways we are operating in 2010. Change is often something we don’t like much. Alfred Perlman from the New York Times (1958) said “After you’ve done a thing the same way for two years, look it over carefully. After five years look at it with suspicion. And after ten years, throw it away and start all over.”
We’re not about to throw anything away! We are about to embark on a marvelous journey and we’ve added a few new riders to our ship. Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce is now on board, as is Hampton Publishing.
The purpose of the Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce is to support economic growth, by improving the quality of life and business climate in the Franklin County area. That fits in very nicely with what we are committed to as well.
What does this mean to you the reader?
A hard copy of the paper comes out the first and third Thursday of the month. It will be four pages, still include the calendar of events and articles about various events around the county. We are also publishing the Spanish edition twice a month as well. For Chamber members, there will be a mailing at the end of the month with articles from that month, and highlights of events for the next month. Chamber members also receive an email each Monday with chamber events for the week. If you are looking for a great place to advertise—this would be it!
The online version will still be found at
Hampton Publishing will print the paper for us. We are also expanding our distribution route to include more towns in Franklin County.
I’ll still be editing and writing and I look forward to your continued readership.
Happy New Year!
—Deb Brown
Read a Little,
Enjoy a Lot!
Hampton Today made possible by sponsors like:
Michelle Hartman – Tupperware –641-373-8880
Denise Passehl – Watkins – 641-580-4052
Franklin County Farmers Market 641-456-4811
Patrick Palmer – The Computer Guy – 641-420-1234
Seven Stars Restaurant – 641-456-5378
Debra Brown – Melaleuca - 641-458-1114