Friday, July 17, 2009

Just a Few Shots

A few good shots taken from the 150th Franklin County Fair -- enjoy them! To see more, visit

Joe and Shirley Pitsor and their family -
that's what the fair is all about, having a great time with your family!

Mackenzie and Maddie -- granddaughters of Carolyn Berghofer and the Irish Dancers.
These girls did a great job!
I don't know who this little fella is.
He was watching the Irish Dancers and playing in the coffin outside of the jail.

This young man was feeding soda pop to a goose. The geese were part of the Puddle Jumpers. They followed the guy in the hat around and did what he said to do! It was great for the kids and they had a wonderful time.

Mildred and Ben VanHove -- Mildred has been an active member in the Democratic Party and is an amazing wealth of information. It was great to see the two of them out and about.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Where Are The Pictures?

It's county fair time. This is the 150th celebration of the Franklin County Fair.

We are taking a TON of pictures. Go to and check out a few highlights.

To see the over 300 pictures taken so far, visit

Enjoy - and you just may see yourself in one of them!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fair Parade Results Are In!

July 14th the weather held and a parade with over 160 different entries went off without a hitch. (Well, unless you consider the clowns Diz and Dot silly stringing one of our local officers a hitch....) The parade judges did their job and here are the results!

Pride of Franklin County
Hampton State Bank

Reserve Grand Champions
First National Bank

and the Grand Champions were

Hampton Today made possible by sponsors like:
Michelle Hartman – Tupperware –641-373-8880
Denise Passehl – Watkins – 641-580-4052
Franklin County Farmers Market 641-456-4811
Make a Splash Foundation
Patrick Palmer – The Computer Guy – 641-420-1234
Seven Stars Restaurant – 641-456-5378
Debra Brown – Melaleuca - 641-458-1114

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Number One in the Number Two Business

Last month Morts Inc. came out to clean out our septic tank. Boy did I learn a lot! I took some pictures, made a video and talked to Bob at Morts. Here's what I learned.

Here are a few signs you need your septic tank cleaned out:

1. your toilet take a long time to flush, and not everything goes away

2. there is a 'sewer smell' in your house

3. your toilet is backing up

4. the drains in your home (shower, sink, etc) are slow moving

5. the grass is greener and taller around where the septic tank is

6. the dreaded gurgling sounds in your pipes

Tips for daily maintenance:

1. household chemicals should not be flushed down the toilet (if you are not using non toxic cleaners that is) - we're talking bleach, Draino, floor cleaners, mop water. They kill the live bacteria in your septic tank.

2. only flush toilet paper down the toilet. Not disposable diapers, not condoms, not paper towels - these items can plug up the sewer lines.

3. keep the kids away from the toilet when not using it. Toys, toothbrushes, socks - kids love to flush these items!

Morts has a route in our area. They can come out every 2, 3 or 4 years and being on the route lowers the cost of having your sewer cleaned out. We are on that route. Consider the cost of digging up the yard if there's a problem because you didn't get your septic tank cleaned. Its easier and much more affordable to get tank cleaned out periodically.

Morts Inc. is located in Latimer and their phone is 877-MORTS-INC You can find them online at Please give Bob a call and see what they can do for you!

The Department of Natural Resources does a great job of explaining the role of septic tanks.

  • The Role of Septic Tanks
    Onsite wastewater treatment (septic) systems normally include two parts: a septic tank, the first component of the system, followed by a secondary wastewater treatment component, such as a soil absorption leachfield. The septic tank acts as a settling chamber that allows wastewater to separate naturally into three distinct layers before liquid flows out of the tank. First, solid particles settle to the bottom of the tank to form a layer of sludge, where some of it is digested by anaerobic bacteria. Second, greases and fats float to the top of the wastewater in the tank and form a second layer, or scum layer. Third, a clearer layer of liquid wastewater develops in the middle--between the sludge layer at the bottom and the scum layer at the top of the wastewater in the tank. The liquid layer of wastewater eventually flows out of the tank to the secondary treatment component (usually the final treatment component) of the system.

    A normally functioning septic tank provides primary treatment of wastewater, which includes the separation of wastewater into three layers and the partial digestion of sludge by anaerobic bacteria. With normal contributions of wastewater to the system, sludge continues to build up at the bottom of the septic tank over time, despite the anaerobic digestion of some solids. At the same time, the layer of scum on top of the wastewater continues to grow thicker. The continual growth of the two layers--the sludge at the bottom and the scum at the top--effectively reduces the storage capacity of the tank and shrinks the middle liquid layer of wastewater. As this happens, wastewater flows more rapidly through the tank, which means there is less time for the wastewater to settle out solids and separate scum from the liquid. Unless there is adequate space in the septic tank for wastewater to separate into layers, solids and scum will float out of the tank and into the secondary treatment component of the system. Eventually, the secondary treatment component will clog and the entire system will fail.
  • The Need for Regular Tank Pumping
    To help ensure the proper maintenance and long term functioning of the entire onsite septic system, the septic tank should be pumped out every three to five years, given normal household water usage. Pumping the tank helps prevent sludge and scum from flowing out of the septic tank and into the secondary treatment system
This is a video showing the tank out at Junior's Farm (my family farm). Willie Nelson's Funny How Time Slips Away (purchased from emusic) plays in the background.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Interview With The Ag Teacher

Dave Bowman is the Ag Teacher at Hampton Dumont. He also sits on the Fair Board and has been instrumental in bringing some really cool things to the 150th celebration of the Fair this year. Here’s a few new things:

-Wednesday at 10 am is the flag raising—there is a new pole and they will honor Dave Colglazier.

-get your hollering voices warmed up, cause we will be calling in the pigs, rooster crowing and whistling this year. W/Th/F at 12:30 and finals Sun at 1:30

- new ‘old’ games like musical chairs, needle in the haystack, 3 legged race, gunny sack race and egg races

- Spelling Bee for all ages!

- Cutest baby contest on Friday at 3:30

-Cutest Princess contest on Friday at 4

- Texting contest on Thursday at 2:45

- Franklin County’s Got Talent contest with cash prizes!

Some other fun things to look for:
- the Puddle Jumpers (trained geese)
- Wild West Show
-Fast Horses—American Indian Dancing Team
-Parade every afternoon at Pleasant Hill
-Sheep Herding Wednesday at 1

Dave grew up in DeWitt Iowa and has lived here for ten years. He’s getting married in October to Rita Peters. Dave—we are glad you are here!

Hampton Today made possible by sponsors like:
Michelle Hartman – Tupperware –641-373-8880

Denise Passehl – Watkins – 641-580-4052

Franklin County Farmers Market 641-456-4811

Make a Splash Foundation

Patrick Palmer – The Computer Guy – 641-420-1234

Seven Stars Restaurant – 641-456-5378

Debra Brown – Melaleuca - 641-458-1114

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