The 4-H/FFA market beef weigh-in for members wishing to exhibit at the Franklin County Fair, Iowa State Fair, or AK-SAR-BEN will be held Monday, December 28, 2009 at the Hampton Vet Center, Hwy 3 west. ID forms and tags will be provided that day for members. In case of bad weather, listen to KLMJ 104.9FM, Hampton. The make-up date is December 29.
4-H/FFA members wanting to exhibit market steers or market heifers at the Franklin County Fair ONLY must weigh calves between 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Calves that need to be weighed and properly identified for the Iowa State Fair or AK-SAR-BEN must be brought to the weigh-in between 10:00-11:00 a.m. State Fair 4-H calves must be retinal scanned and AK-SAR-BEN calves must have hair DNA samples collected at the weigh-in site. FFA members verifying State Fair calves must get required tags, hair and nose print supplies from FFA Advisor. Verification forms must be signed by member, parent, and the site coordinator. Contact the Franklin County Extension Office at 641-456-4811 if you are planning to weigh in calves for state fair or AK-SAR-BEN. The cost is $5 per verification process per calf.
Hampton Today made possible by sponsors like:
Michelle Hartman – Tupperware –641-373-8880
Denise Passehl – Watkins – 641-580-4052
Franklin County Farmers Market 641-456-4811
Patrick Palmer – The Computer Guy – 641-420-1234
Seven Stars Restaurant – 641-456-5378
Debra Brown – Melaleuca - 641-458-1114
Michelle Hartman – Tupperware –641-373-8880
Denise Passehl – Watkins – 641-580-4052
Franklin County Farmers Market 641-456-4811
Patrick Palmer – The Computer Guy – 641-420-1234
Seven Stars Restaurant – 641-456-5378
Debra Brown – Melaleuca - 641-458-1114
picture courtesy of flickr