Image by Xabier.M via Flickr
Tickets are now available for the Harriman Nielsen Historic Farm Fundraiser – an evening of traditional Danish food and music. The meal and program will be held on Sunday, April 18 at the Hampton Country Club with social time at 5:30 pm and the meal at 6 pm. The meal will include appetizers, salads, main course, beverages, and a dessert.
The program will include entertainment by Glenn Henriksen, a versatile pianist and organist from Armstrong, Iowa. Glenn started piano lessons at age seven, attended Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, and over the years has developed a unique musical style. He has recorded several CDs including “Danish Songs and Hymns”. You can listen to selections from Mr. Henriksen recordings at
Tickets to the event are $30 each, with proceeds going toward phase II restoration projects at the property. Tickets may be purchased at Center 1, or any of the following board members: Deb Kalousek, Berry Johnson, Jackie Dohlman, Sally Van Wert, Doreen Petersen, Mary Marquard, Lowell Lange, Jim Jorgensen, Scott Hoegh, or John Lyman.
For more information on the event, contact Doreen Petersen at 641-456-3825.
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Seven Stars Restaurant – 641-456-5378
Debra Brown – Melaleuca - 641-458-1114
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TownsEnd Winery - 641-456-2836