What’s Up in the Garden, by Jackie Dohlman, Franklin County Master Gardener
Tips on Starting Seedlings Indoors and Pruning Fall-Bearing Yellow Raspberries
Some of the seedlings that I start indoors collapse and die shortly after germination. Why?
Damping-off is probably responsible for the collapse and death of your seedlings. Damping-off is caused by several different fungi. Environmental conditions usually associated with damping-off are poorly drained potting soil and over watering. Damping-off can be prevented by using clean containers, a sterile, well-drained potting mix and by following good cultural practices. Previously used containers should be washed in soapy water, and then disinfected by dipping in a solution containing one part chlorine bleach and nine parts water. Flower and vegetable seeds need an evenly moist potting mix for good germination. After germination, allow the potting soil to dry somewhat between waterings.
When should I start flower and vegetable seeds indoors?
The crop time (number of weeks from sowing to planting outdoors) for several popular flowers and vegetables are as follows: 10 to 12 weeks - geranium;eight to 10 weeks - petunia and impatiens; six to eight weeks - marigold, pepper, and eggplant; five to seven weeks - tomato, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower; three to four weeks - cucumber, watermelon, muskmelon and squash. Always check the seed packet if unsure of the correct sowing date.
What is the proper way to prune fall-bearing yellow raspberries in spring?
Fall-bearing yellow raspberries naturally produce two crops. The first crop is produced in late summer or early fall at the tips of the current season’s growth. The following year, the lower portions of the same canes produce a summer crop. After the second crop, the canes die. Each spring, new shoots emerge from buds located at the base of the previous season’s growth and on the plant’s roots.
Fall-bearing yellow raspberries can be pruned two different ways in spring.
Option 1 is to remove all weak, diseased and damaged canes at ground level in March or early April. Leave the most vigorous canes, those approximately 1/4 inch in diameter when measured 30 inches above the ground. After thinning, remaining canes should be spaced about six inches apart. Also, prune out the tips of the canes that have died due to winter injury. Cut back to live tissue. If the canes sustained little winter dieback, remove the top 1/4 of the canes. Cane-tip removal or “heading-back” prevents the canes from becoming top heavy and bending over under the weight of the crop. This pruning method allows the plants to produce two crops per year.
Option 2 is to prune all canes back to ground level in March or early April. While the plants won’t produce a summer crop, the late summer/early fall should mature one to two weeks earlier. Also, total crop yield is typically larger using the one-crop system versus two-crop system.
Got gardening questions? Contact the Hotline at (515) 294-3108 (Monday - Friday; 10 a.m. -12 noon and 1 - 4:30 p.m.) or send an e-mail to hortline@iastate.edu. For more gardening information visit us at Yard and Garden Online at www.yardandgarden.extension.iastate.edu
Contacts: John Holmes, ISU Extension Field Agronomist -- (515) 532-3453
George Cummins, ISU Extension Field Agronomist -- (641) 228-1453
David Rueber, Research Farm Superintendent – (641) 762-3247
Kanawha, IA -- The annual meeting and educational program of the Iowa State University Research Farm will be March 11 at the Municipal Building in Britt. Registration is at 8:30 a.m., and the program will begin at 9:00 a.m. Meeting speakers include Drs. Palle Pedersen, Gyles Randall, Michael Duffy, and Elwynn Taylor. The program will adjourn at 2:00 p.m Membership in the Association is not required to attend this meeting. Persons planning to attend are asked to contact the ISU Extension Office in Garner to pre-register.
Dr. Palle Pedersen has been researching yield response to narrow soybean row spacing for several years. He will present the results of his work with emphasis on yield responses attained in northern Iowa. Dr. Gyles Randall is a highly respected University of Minnesota Extension Fertility Specialist. He has done very interesting nitrogen research and will be presenting his findings. Dr. Michael Duffy will discuss managing high crop input costs. Dr. Elwynn Taylor will finish the program with his presentation, “Managing Weather Risk in 2009.”
Lunch will be provided by three local cooperative elevators: Gold-Eagle Cooperative, North Central Cooperative, and MaxYield Cooperative.
Certified crop advisor CEU credit has been approved. For additional information contact your local ISU Extension Office.
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