Image by ::: Billie / PartsnPieces ::: via Flickr
As young people leave for college for the first time, they are entering a new era in their life. For many it will be the first really extended stay away from home. Young people will need to become more independent and look to a big adventure ahead. While idealism of college life is what is expected, young people need to expect that not everything will go smoothly. There will be frustrations as they adjust to a new schedule, living quarters, and a roommate.
To help reduce some of the stress in adjusting, here are some things young people can do.
*Don’t be afraid to ask questions. No one expects a new student to know everything. Listen to advice from upperclassmen on your floor, or friends that are currently attending school there.
*Get plenty of rest. Things frequently look better in the morning after a full night’s sleep. There are so many new things going on it can tire a student out more than they realize.
*Introduce yourself to other students. Ask if they would like to go play tennis, swim, bike, or walk around. Remember they may be feeling lonely, too!
*Participate in dorm and school functions. They are planned with the student in mind and to provide an opportunity to get acquainted. Staff realizes the first week or so is hard.
*Eat a balanced and nutritious diet. This keeps you healthy and is important to overall well being.
*Give your roommate a chance. If things don’t work out, talk with the dorm counselor. They are on the floor to help.
*Join a study group for some of the more difficult classes. Many schools also have a tutor program available. It is important to get help early if classes are giving you trouble.
*And don’t forget your family—they care about you. Maybe you don’t have time for a letter, but drop a card or postcard home or an email. They want to know you are okay. It is also an opportunity for them to respond with a letter and keep you posted about events at home.
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