Monday, March 2, 2009

Words Matter Week and Other Things


March 2 to March 6 is Words Matter Week.

It's sponsored by the National Association of Independent Writers and Editors.  Their site with all the info is located here.  

Are you a writer, or an aspiring writer?  Check out their facebook page today.  Words Matter Week will be sharing interviews with:

* Peter Bowerman: The Well-Fed Writer on Freelance Commercial Writing
* John Kremer: 1001 Ways to Market Your Books
* Linda Leigh Hargrove: The Road to Publication and the Importance of Words in Communication
* Ruth Thaler-Carter: How to Get Started in Editorial Freelancing
* Tim Mc
Mullen: Technology and the Freelance Worker
* Martha Brockenborough: Author of 'Things that Make us [Sic]

Helping Your Child Eat Right

A taste for healthy eating is one of the most valuable and enduring gifts parents can give a child. It’s never too late – or too early – to start. Here are some suggestions:

Always eat as a family. Turn off the TV during mealtime and, if possible, disconnect the phone. Encourage relaxation; don’t battle about food or anything else during mealtime.

Set a good example. Your child is more likely to give unfamiliar foods a try after watching you eat and enjoy a wide variety of foods.

Encourage your child to sample a new food, but don’t force foods on a youngster. Don’t make the new food the price of dessert.

Keep servings small so children have the satisfaction of cleaning up their plates and asking for “More, please.”

Encourage smart snacking. Keep the kitchen stocked with a selection of healthy hunger stoppers – fresh fruit, vegetable sticks with a nutritious dip, raisins, and cheese with whole grain crackers.

Give kids a healthy start each morning. Make sure they rise early enough for a nourishing breakfast.

The morning meal doesn’t have to be cereal. Don’t be afraid to try an unconventional breakfast – a peanut-butter-and-banana sandwich, cottage cheese with sliced fruit, and macaroni and cheese are all nutritious and appealing.

Involve kids in menu planning and meal preparation. Children often enjoy helping prepare foods and enjoy eating them, too.  picture from 

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