4-H Youth enrolled in the Clothing Project have an opportunity to model their constructed garment, and learn more about personal hygiene and accessories at the upcoming Fashion Revue event. Judging will be based on grooming, posture, poise, accessories, and total appearance.
4-H members not enrolled in the Clothing project may participate in Clothing Selection. Youth will follow a similar program but will model a purchased garment. Judging will be based on the individual, the outfit on the individual, the outfit for the intended purpose, and the money spent.
A new class called the “$15 Challenge” is open to any 4-H member. An entrant does not have to be enrolled in the clothing project. Youth are to purchase an outfit that represents the 4-H’ers goal or intended use for the selected outfit. Member should plan to talk about experiences in choosing shopping alternatives, evaluating fit, quality and construction features, price and cost comparison. Outfits may be selected and/or purchased from a garage sale, consignment store, or resale shop (i.e. Goodwill, Salvation Army). Cost of outfit must be $15 or less, not including shoes, accessories, or undergarments. Receipt(s) MUST be turned in with Clothing Event Report Form.
Fashion Revue/Clothing Selection/$15 Challenge will be held Thursday morning, July 9 at the Hampton United Methodist Church. Members must have pre-entered by June 24 at the Fair Office, and bring the appropriate forms with them July 9.
Participants of Fashion Revue, Clothing Selection and $15 Challenge will model their outfits at the 4-H Style Show, Sunday, July 19, at the Franklin County Fair following the church service.
picture courtesy of flickr.com
Hampton Today made possible by sponsors like:
Michelle Hartman – Tupperware –641-373-8880 Denise Passehl – Watkins – 641-579-6227 Franklin County Farmers Market 641-456-4811 Make a Splash Foundation jhobson@leslieklinelucas.com Patrick Palmer – The Computer Guy – 641-420-1234 Seven Stars Restaurant – 641-456-5378 Debra Brown – Melaleuca - 641-458-1114
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